Close up of zeolite rocks

What is Zeolite?

What is Zeolite? And how does it work with artificial grass

Post Author:

Premium Grass Blades

Date Posted:

February 9, 2022

Zeolite is a 100% natural, non-toxic, mined mineral used in many different applications; the mineral is absorbent and often used in items you may already have in your households, such as cat litter, fertilizer, and laundry detergent. Zeolite contains porous minerals that trap water molecules, helping your Premium Grass Blades turf keep cool in the hot summer months. This infill is entirely safe for children and pets, acting as a natural pet odor neutralizer.

How Zeolite works

Zeolite is a porous mineral that absorbs liquid molecules; this keeps odors such as urine trapped within the mineral absorbing the smell. Due to its ability to trap moisture, Zeolite is also an excellent ballast for heat transfer from cold nights to hot days and is also used for weighing down synthetic grass; doing this will help keep the blades standing nice and tall even with some foot traffic.

How much should I use and where?

One bag of Zeolite contains 44lbs of granular mineral; we recommend using 1.5 lbs per SqFt for small dogs and common areas and 2-3 lbs per SqFt for large dogs.

In summary, Zeolite is:

  • Safe for your kids, your pets, and the environment.
  • An effective odor absorbent/eliminator.
  • Aids in keeping synthetic grass cool on hot summer days.
  • Easy to administer.
  • Perfect for keeping your blades upright and perky.
  • An excellent way to keep your turf looking and smelling its best.

A product that solves multiple common artificial turf problems, keeping your yard the envy of your neighborhood all year-round.

Still unsure about Zeolite or its uses? Contact us and let one of our knowledgeable staff members ease your mind on one of the most beneficial minerals naturally produced!